Thursday, April 12, 2007

Minister Suruma jumps on minibus

You could only know how it goes but Dr. Ezra Suruma even employs the saying, “When the going gets tough…”---but we must add, when necessary!
Recently Rafshizzle was gobsmacked to see the minister of finance jump onto a minibus after his Jeep Cherokee collapsed on the way from Kisoro to Kabale.
Dr. Ezra Suruma had travelled to Kisoro to witness the signing of the contract for the construction of Kisoro-Kabale road when he faced this “nightmare.”
And looked extremely relieved when the omnibus, which can best be described as a DMC finally dropped him at the White Horse Inn in Kabale town.
I’m sorry I forgot to ask the driver what word Dr. Suruma used to ask him to park before he got out.
Something like, “Wansi awo; ku Horse awo or nga wakaweta…”
Umm, not quite sure!

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